A turnkey MaaS platform  for your transport network

Become a pioneers in innovative mobility
Join the network of visionaries shaping the future of mobility

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Homme qui consulte les dispositifs de mobilitéLogo UGAP
They trust us

Your travelers deserve to be informed, book and pay for their trips without having to change their website or mobile application.

Logo Métropole NormandieLogo Region Le Grand EstLogo Région Provence Alpes Côtes d'AzurLogo Métropole de LyonLogo Atout MobilitéLogo Région Nouvelle AquitaineLogo Isère DépartementLogo Région BretagneLogo Saint Étienne MétropoleLogo Oise MobilitéLogo Région Bourgogne Franche ComtéLogo Lignes d'Azur
Formula adapted to all networks
Map pin
Offer travel solutions

Propose relevant multimodal trips that compete with single occupancy vehicle.

Notification in case of disruption

Reduce friction by supporting travelers, even when the network is disrupted.

Supervise flows

Monitor your network in real time and keep it running smoothly

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Optimizing services

Travel fewer kilometers and carry more travelers

Simplifying bookings

Give travelers the choice to book by phone, on a website or an app

Freeing drivers’ mind

The app helps drivers to focus on what matters most

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Your site and app just like your network

Become instantly recognisable and unique. Personalize the website and the mobile application of your transport network and promote your area.

  • Your logo
  • Your colors
  • Your domain name
  • Your app in the stores
Building your offer with an expertarrow_forward
Managing service updates has never been easier!

WithCityway’s solution, inform travelers of service updates quickly

Inform travelers of service updates:
  • Quick input
  • SMS, e-mail, push notifications
  • Schedule and duration
  • Multilingual management
Building your offer with an expertarrow_forward

Ready to simplify travel
in your territory?

Obtenez une estimation en moins de 48h
Estimate your projectarrow_forward
Steps towards new mobility
Entering information from your network

After an interview with your project manager, you will transmit all the elements necessary to create the platform.


We deliver the website and or app, on time, you check compliance.


Once validated, we provide training to users of the platform.

Follow up

Your customer success manager supports you throughout the relationship to contribute achieving your goals

Une conductrice avec une solution Cityway
Our vision of

We defend the right to mobility that promotes full individual freedom. Our mission is to make this conviction a reality by offering environmentally friendly travel solutions.

Innovation guides our approach, inducing gradual changes in behavior across modes of transport, mainly by integrating car into our trip planner.

We aim for a sustainable transformation of the area, promoting the seamless coexistence of modes of transportation.

Build your offer with an expertarrow_forward
Solutions that
improve areas
Time saver

Repetitive tasks are automated, allowing you to devote your time to meaningful missions.


Our tools improve operational performance, making it possible to streamline operations by reducing expenses.

Yeux ouverts

All the data collected is reported back to you in the dashboard, enabling you to make fully-informed decisions.       

Double coeur
Image improvement

Our tools contribute to promote the transit agency and give it a positive image among travelers.

Talk to an expert arrow_forward
Flou gaussien sur un cercle bleu
Keep control of all your mobility data

With Cityway's back office, manage all transit providers in one place

The best tools at your disposal:
  • Rectifying data errors
  • Harmonize shared stops and multimodal exchange
  • Allow data to be re-used by third parties
  • Enrich your data: accessibility, transfer, equipment
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They trust Cityway every day

They chose Cityway technology to ensure sustainable and efficient mobility for their community.

Picture profil of Denis Paquin

Transportation has been identified as a priority for improving social inclusion. [...] This pilot project provides an additional option for citizens who do not have access to public transit.

Logo Rouville
Denis Paquin
Prefect of the MRC de Rouville and Mayor of Sainte-Angele-de-Monnoi - Canada
Photo de profil de Derrick Breun

The Cityway project at RPTA far exceeded my expectation.

Derrick Breun
Regional VP Mid-South Region, River Parish Transportation Authority - USA
Picture profil of Denis Paquin

Transportation has been identified as a priority for improving social inclusion. [...] This pilot project provides an additional option for citizens who do not have access to public transit.

Logo Rouville
Denis Paquin
Prefect of the MRC de Rouville and Mayor of Sainte-Angele-de-Monnoi - Canada
Photo de profil de Derrick Breun

The Cityway project at RPTA far exceeded my expectation.

Derrick Breun
Regional VP Mid-South Region, River Parish Transportation Authority
Photo de profil de Luc François

Transportation has been identified as a priority for improving social inclusion. [...] This pilot project provides an additional option for citizens who do not have access to public transit.

Logo Rouville
Denis Paquin
Prefect of the MRC de Rouville and Mayor of Sainte-Angele-de-Monnoi - Canada
Photo de profil de Jordan Croce

The Cityway project at RPTA far exceeded my expectation.

Derrick Breun
Regional VP Mid-South Region, River Parish Transportation Authority
Guaranteed availability to ensure continuity of services

We guarantee the high availability of our solutions thanks to a solid infrastructure managed in-house and rigorous security practices.
The entire infrastructure of the installation is controlled 24/7/365 by our teams present to operate on site to guarantee access to services.

Disponibilité des équipes de Cityway
Designed to protect your organization's data

Protect data in your territory through security integrations, data backups, compliance audits, and privacy measures.

Discover Cityway's Innovation

The intuitive and ergonomic Back-Office to manage allyour mobilities

Visualisation du back-office
Accès aux données du Back-OfficePiloter le Back-OfficeScreenshot du back-office de Cityway
Access to key data, at a glance.

Benefit from an intuitive and ergonomic interface to access data

Manage all your mobility services, regardless of the source.

Parking data, train data, bus data, bicycle data...

Manage disruptions, in real time.

Access pre-established fields to enter important information about the ongoing disruption.

Access to key data, at a glance.

Benefit from an intuitive and ergonomic interface to access data

Accès aux données du Back-Office
Manage all your mobility services, regardless of the source.

Parking data, TER data, bus data, bicycle data...

Piloter le Back-Office
Manage disruptions, in real time.

Access pre-established fields to enter important information about the ongoing disruption.

Screenshot du back-office de Cityway
Flou gaussien sur un cercle bleu
Une question ?
Découvrez notre FAQ
Qu'est-ce qu'une plateforme MaaS ?

Une plateforme MaaS, acronyme signifiant "Mobility as a Service", est une application de mobilité intégrée regroupant différents modes de transport au sein d'une seule plateforme. Nous parlons aussi de "mobilité servicielle". Elle vise à offrir aux utilisateurs une solution complète pour leurs besoins de déplacement dans une ville ou un territoire donné, en combinant divers services tels que les transports en commun, le covoiturage, les vélos en libre-service et d'autres options de mobilité.

Comment une solution MaaS peut-elle améliorer la mobilité sur un territoire ?

Un outil MaaS tel que Cityway représente avant tout pour une ville ou territoire des opportunités de gains de temps dans la gestion du transport. Les tâches répétitives sont automatisées, vous permettant de consacrer votre temps aux missions essentielles. Par ailleurs, nos outils améliorent la performance opérationnelle permettant de rationaliser l’exploitation en réduisant les dépenses. Une plateforme MaaS permet également de gagner en contrôle : toutes les données collectées sont restituées dans un tableau de bord, vous permettant de prendre des décisions éclairées. N'oublions pas enfin le net bénéfice qu'une telle solution apporte à votre image : nos applications mobiles et sites web contribuent à faire rayonner le réseau et à lui donner une image positive auprès des voyageurs.

Puis-je personnaliser l'application MaaS à l'image de mon réseau ?

Tout à fait ! Avec Citiway, votre application mobile et votre site web sont en marque blanche, pour qu’ils soient reconnaissables par les voyageurs. Ajoutez votre logo, vos couleurs, votre nom de domaine, ainsi que l'application dans les principaux stores.

Dans quelles localités votre plateforme MaaS est-elle utilisée ?

A ce jour nous avons le plaisir d'accompagner de nombreux réseaux, villes et territoires en France et à l'international : Paris, Le Havre, Toronto (Canada), la Région Sud, la Région Grand-Est, la Nouvelle Aquitaine, la Bretagne, St Étienne, Hamilton (Canada)...

Let's create new
accessible mobility together

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L'équipe Cityway prendre actuellement en charge votre demande et revient vers vous dans les plus brefs délais
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L'équipe de Cityway
Response within 48 hours
Dedicated support
Mobility expert
Made in France